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Questionnaire for Your Senior Pictures

We use this form to begin to get an idea of what kind of photos you’d like us to create for you. Please complete as much of it as you can. If you have an questions or concerns you can get in touch with us by calling (907) 727-1284 or emailing us at

    Your Name (required)



    Parent's Name (required)


    Name of your High School (required)


    Will you also be enrolled in the Alaska Middle College School? (required)


    Mailing Address - Street (required)


    Mailing Address - City (required)


    Mailing Address – Zip Code (required)


    Your Email (required)


    Parent’s Email (required)


    Your Phone Number (required)


    Parent Phone Number (required)


    Does your parent have as Instagram account? If so, how are you listed?


    Does your parent have a facebook account? If so, how are they listed?


    What social media platforms do you use?

         Facebook: YesNo
            If yes, how are you listed?

         Instagram: YesNo
            If yes, how are you listed?

         Tik Tok: YesNo
            If yes, how are you listed?

         Youtube: YesNo
            If yes, who is your favorite YouTuber?

    Tell Us About Yourself!

    Some of these may seem like odd questions but they help us to get to know you better. Answer as many as you like. Use as much or as little detail as you want.

    What is your favorite coffee shop?


    What is your favorite drink?


    What is your favorite color or combination of colors?


    How would you describe your clothing and dress style; casual, Carhart, high fashion…?


    Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?


    How do you like to spend your free time?


    Are you learning any new skills (welding, flying.....)? If so, what are they?


    Is there anything you would like to include in your session with us? Hobby, activity, sport, club, Scouting program, pastime.....?


    Do you have any locations in mind for your senior session? Our studio, indoor someplace (coffee shop, library, gym…), outdoors, river, lake, ocean, woods, field with flowers, field with tall grass, favorite park, downtown…?


    What is your dream job?


    What is your favorite place on Earth?


    Favorite type of music, band, group, or singer?


    Who is someone you would like to meet?


    Favorite thing in your closet?


    What are three things you can’t live without?




    What is something you always have with you?


    Favorite App on your phone?


    Last good book you read


    Is there anything else you'd like us to know about you? If so, what is it?