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SAP Headshot Planning

Senior Ambassador Headshot Session Availability

We are ready to begin scheduling your headshot session. This is the first photo session we’ll do together as part of the Senior Ambassdor Program.

To get started we need to find out when you’re available for a headshot session. These sessions will last a little less than an hour. We’ll shoot them at a variety of indoor locations and outdoors if the weather is cooperating.

We will shoot these using your normal hairstyling, makeup, and wardrobe. We’ll send additional information once we schedule your session.

Please complete the information below. If you have any questions please call, text, or email us.

    Your Name

    General Availability - during a normal week, when are you available for your headshot session? Check all that apply!
    Morning: 7:00am to Noon
    Afternoon: Noon to 5:00pm
    Evening: 5:00pm to 7:30pm

    Day of Week










    Of the times you checked above, are there any general days and times that you prefer?


    Are there any specifice days and times when you aren't available that you would be otherwise?